Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Haley Wright - Ch 7

Chapter 7 discusses Typography Technology and how typography has progressed as technology has progressed and has opened up so many more doors to the different things you can do with typography and design. This chapter goes through all the things that people had to go through to create different designs which was really interesting to read because things are so different now since we can do just about anything we imagine on a computer.  It was interesting to read about how much Linotype and Monotype changed the world of typography and how people saw it as being worlds easier than before, whereas now reading about these sounds very tedious, time consuming, and difficult because of today’s technology.  Up until computers and digital typesetting, every other way of creating typography seems so difficult and time consuming I couldn’t even imagine trying to create typography in that way. Hand Composition is actually really interesting because of how precise everything has to be to really turn out well so I think it could be really cool to actually see some of the past machines to see how they worked and maybe even attempt to try it for myself. I never really realized how much work went into creating typography in the past and it really changes my view on posters and designs or really any typography from the days before computers and software were created and available because of how much more work was put into each little thing.  It was also interesting to me to see how slowly this technology progressed up until computers were created. This really made me realize how much we take advantage of how much freedom we have to create typography or any sort of graphic design so easily compared to the past.

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