Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Music Poster Concept and Song - Mallory Brown


Song: Music for Staring at Ceilings
Artist: El Ten Eleven

1. What are the distinctive parts of the recording; what is the structure?
This piece of music is distinctive for its slowed down beat. It has a very soft beat with the fading in and out of multiple single notes played on the guitar that blend together. I honestly do not know a whole lot about music and cannot describe the sounds I am hearing very well. There seem to be multiple guitars playing different parts at the same time which is a distinctive part. Although they are playing different parts, they both fade and blend well together.

2. Is there a repetitive chorus or beat?
There are no words at all in this entire song, so there is no repetitive chorus. But the drum beat remains pretty much the exact same throughout the entire song. Also, the guitar parts seem to loop as well and are layered with other interesting guitar parts that are added in some parts to created depth to the song and then taken out in others to simplify the song. There seems to be one guitar player playing the same background sound, while the other one plays a similar sound, but adds variations to it to give depth.

3. What is the tempo, rhythm?
The tempo of this song is slower than most, but I would not say it is entirely a slow song. It has a slow beat but it does pick up at some parts because of the interesting guitar layers. But overall, I would say its a song that you can zone out to and literally stare at the ceiling.

4. What feelings are evoked by the music?
Some feelings that are evoked for me by the music are peace, zen, and contentment. I do not feel sad or sorrow listening to this song because it still has a very lively aspect to it. It keeps me entertained while not overwhelming my senses and allows me to drift off into my own wonderland. I really enjoy this song for that reason. It doesn't distract me from my thoughts, but instead allows me to get lost in my own mind.

Concept: I want to create the head and neck and chest of a women laying down in type, and then somehow show how I am getting lost in my own thoughts. Maybe have a bunch of sentences that describe what I am thinking when I listen to this song come out of the girls head or eyes and twist and turn to create a visual pleasing pattern from far away, but show the types of thoughts that are drifting through my head. I am a very curious person and have written down many questions and or interesting thoughts that I could use to create my composition. I want it to almost be a self portrait made out of type that shows the types of things I think about when I get lost in instrumental music and let my mind really wander.

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