Thursday, February 6, 2014

Jeremy Diaz Chapter 7

Chapter 7 – Typographic Technology
In response to the chapter, I am very intrigued at the progress that typographic technology has made over the last few centuries. Typographical technology has played a huge role in the shaping of our societies history. For example, Gutenberg inventing the printing press ushered in a completely new area of information and made the distribution of information easier than it had ever been before. This is astounding because with typography who knows where we would be as a society today. I feel that people under value that role that typography plays in our society and perhaps typography should be given more of a presence in our culture.
Secondly, I find the invention of automated typing machines such as the linotype to be astounding. Today we take for granted such thing as typing a paper or writing an email but of the countless inventors that have sacrificed hours upon hours to advance the technology is incredible.

Furthermore, I feel that it is of utmost importance that we as designers know the history of typography so that we can appreciate it further. In order for us to be able to make designs on computers using programs and such, we have to be thankful that we no longer have to do the painstakingly hard tasks that it took to perform the same task in the past.

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