Thursday, January 23, 2014

Jewell / Type Anatomy

Renault and Apex: Love at First Cap Height

This is a pair ideal for everything from corporate identity and design to the modern designer’s resume or portfolio. Both fonts have a comparable x-height to body height ratio, contributing consistency in sizing and spatial behavior. They differ in the way that Apex, of course, is a thin, contemporary sans serif, while Renault is a more authoritarian and bold serif. Together, they instill balance and interest in a piece, playing off of each other in a beautiful typographical love affair.
Apex is like the free-thinking, yuppie dating the older, reserved, more mature Renault. Apex is like a Tesla; it's quick, efficient, and the epitome of modern design. Renault, on the other hand, is silently stable, yet anything but irrelevant; Renault is a like a GMC Yukon. It is bold, black, reliable, and yet elegant. Apex goes out on the town, describes herself as a socialite and renowned foodie; Apex has over 1,000 Instagram followers and tweets like a celeb, and she always drinks with her pinky up and her hair back. 

Renault drinks whiskey on the rocks, only sings and dances when he's alone in the shower, and tries to only make one trip to the grocery store a week. He never cries during movies and would probably never wear pink, although he’d never openly judge another man for rocking it. They're in love, like two 1em peas in a 2em pod. There is never any drama, just aesthetically wonderful sex and incredibly intellectual dialogue between characters.

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