Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Chapter 3 Reflection-Jacqueline Lin

Chapter 3-

The main point in chapter 3 is the syntax and communication of typographic design. Syntax is the way words form together in a sentence on a page. What I found interesting is that the type is communicated through each detail of each word. The alignment, kerning, tracking, and contrast are major components of typography. I believe syntax plays a major role in typography because of the way it is portrayed everywhere. The tiniest detail of kerning in a word can make it look awkward and uncomfortable with each other. When there are columns and margins on a page, the way they are spaced needs to be carefully balanced in weights and type sizes. They are based on a grid base and need to be careful on where to place words and images. I enjoyed this chapter because of the images it provided. The variety of examples gave me an idea of the thousands of different ways you can interpret the alphabet and how designers put them together to make certain logos or signs.

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