Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Type Anatomy - Jessica May Lin

For my sans-serif typeface, I decided to choose Calibri. Although I am not a larger fan of san-serifed typefaces because of the plain, boring and simple structure of it--Calibri was the one most closest to my liking. What I liked most about this one was that it was easy to read and also had a little bit of a child-like characteristic to it. For example, it kind of reminds me a type of font "Mattel" or "Little Tikes" would use on their products. In the lowercase letters, there are more unique features in it than the cap letters I would say. If you take a look at the letter "a", "p", and "q", you can notice a more rounded and bubbly feel to the typeface that makes it more children-friendly looking. If I had to connect it to a type of car, I would say it reminds me most of a Nissan. Safe, cheap, "not much to it", and reliable. In comparison to music, I can't even say there is anything in relation to it. Music is known to have beautiful sounds and make people feel different kinds of emotion, but when I look at Calibri I honestly see boring and nothing much to it. It makes me feel indifferent about it when I look at it, like there's "not much to it".

In regards to my serif typeface, I chose Baskerville Old Face. When it comes to most documentations, I always typically choose a serif type as my font. I like the neatness and characteristics to most of the serif typefaces. They always typically have an older feel to them and make things just in general--look better. For example, in Baskerville Old Face it has a clean, fancy look to it. If you look closely at the letters in either cap or lowercase letters, you can notice certain qualities that other typefaces don't have. For example, in the cap letter "Q", the tail has a fancier, elegant look to it when it glides off the Q. In the letter "L", it has serif's on each end closing in the letter to make it look more structured. In comparison to cars, it reminds me of a Mercedes-Benz. Slick, fancy, and all together good looking. In relation to music, the car reminds me of classical music. It's not too out there, includes a bold look, and has a class to it.

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